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Our products are not only designed to be stylish, but also to benefit both moms and babies. From our pacifier holders, which keep pacifiers close at hand, to our baby teething rings, which provide teething relief, everything in our collection is designed to enhance the experience for both moms and babies. In addition, our products are made from high-quality materials and meet the highest safety standards, giving moms peace of mind and their babies comfort and safety. At MamiChic we pride ourselves on offering products that are not only stylish, but also bring tangible value to moms and their adorable babies.
MamiChic se convierte en el aliado perfecto durante la lactancia: el bebé descarga el reflejo palmar agarrando el collar, evitando pellizcos, arañazos y aportándole calma durante las tomas. Foto de @verdeliss con su MamiChic.
Cuando aparecen los primeros síntomas de la dentición, el collar de mamá es perfecto para masajear con sus suaves piezas fabricadas en diferentes formas y texturas las encías inflamadas del bebé. Las piezas rotan suavemente sobre la membrana gingival, favoreciendo el brote dentario y aliviando así las molestias propias de la dentición.